végén csattan az ostorexp
    1. the sting is in the tail
      USA: ðiː· stɪ'ŋ ʌ·z ɪ'n ðiː· teɪ'l UK: ðiː stɪŋ ɪz ɪn ðiː teɪl
    1. the end tries all
      USA: ðiː· e'nd traɪ'z ɔː'l UK: ðiː end traɪz ɔːl
    1. it will all come out in the wash
      USA: ʌ·t wʌ·l ɔː'l kʌ'm aʊ't ɪ'n ðiː· wɔ'ʃ UK: ɪt wɪl ɔːl kʌm aʊt ɪn ðiː wɔʃ
a végén csattan az ostorexp
    1. the sting is in the tail
      USA: ðiː· stɪ'ŋ ʌ·z ɪ'n ðiː· teɪ'l UK: ðiː stɪŋ ɪz ɪn ðiː teɪl
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